Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Welcome from President Lana Harfoush

Welcome to the new blog of the Federalist Society at Pepperdine School of Law! We are all looking forward to the 2011-2012 school year and have many great events planned.  This blog will be the one-stop shop to learn about upcoming and past events for our student chapter.  Though we are a non-partisan group of conservative and libertarian students, we encourage everyone to come to our events as we discuss Constitutional issues, limited government and modern policy debates.  The best defense in any war of ideas is being informed and we offer a forum to hear perspectives, which students might not otherwise be exposed to through their coursework.

C.J. Holds down the fort at the Federalist Society Welcome Table (1L Orientation Activity Fair)

We will also be announcing events through our Facebook group, which I encourage you to join here:

Check back often for updates!

In liberty,

Lana Harfoush
President, Federalist Society
Pepperdine School of Law

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